What is 'Breathwork'? By Eugene Koning
Breathwork is the antidote to a troubled mind and a stressed body. Both of which I am sure you can all relate to. We all live incredibly busy lives, climbing the corporate ladder, supporting our families and chasing our goals. We never take the opportunity to slow down and create space to just BE. I am not here to sell you on Breathwork, but I want to make sure you know how powerful it is for living a less-stressed,
purposeful and loving life.
Benefits of Breathwork Include
- A lowered resting Heart Rate
- Lowered levels of cortisol, the body’s stress hormone
- Increased energy
- Quietening of the ‘monkey mind’
- Unregulated immune function (you will tend to get sick less)
- Reduced anxiety and stress levels
- Greater regulation of emotions
- Enhanced creativity

How can we begin to incorporate breathwork into our day-to-day life?
Clients will ask this question frequently! I always respond with the same answer, “Start small, have fun and explore.” The below is a nice roadmap to incorporate Breathwork into your day!
Start your morning with Conviction
- Take 10 deep, slow breaths into your belly as soon as you wake up: IN 4 SECS, OUT 4 SECS
- Set aside 5-10 minutes to do a Breathwork practice. ‘Othership’ or ‘Open’ are two great apps to use for this
- Recommended Technique: Wim Hof Method
Create space in throughout your Day
- Bring awareness to your breath each time you sit down or stand up
- Play around with holding your breath while you walk
- Come back to breathing through your nose, as when we talk we usually breathe through our mouth, and this can place stress on the body
- Recommended Technique: Coherent Breathing
Slow down to Connect in the Evening
- Closing down your eyes to sleep, let yourself slow down and relax with 20 humming breaths – this is called ‘Vagal Toning’: IN 4-6 SECS NOSE, OUT 15-30 SECS HUM
- Notice yourself drift into a calmer space and allow the body to relax on each exhale
- Recommended Technique: Vagal Toning or 4-7-8 Breathing
What benefits have you seen within yourself and others since using ‘Breathwork’ techniques?
Breathwork changed my life. I would not be the man I am today without this practice. It has increased my level of self-awareness which is the first step to lasting change and better decisions in our lives. The key part that separates us from who we are now, and who we ‘wish’ or ‘envision’ ourselves to be is identity. Breathwork created space for me to create a new identity and therefore live a new, invigorated life. I have seen people go from complete emotional suppression, to standing up in front of others singing and dancing. I have seen men cry after 10 years of numbness. I have seen people grow the confidence and awareness to quit their job and move overseas. Now, I am definitely not saying you should quit your job… but, maybe you should.

If you could give advice to someone that hasn’t practiced ‘Breathwork’ before what would it be?
If you’re trying Explorational Breathwork for the first time, make sure that you feel safe to begin with. Either trying a short session in the comfort of your own home or engaging with a professional to walk you through the fundamentals. You want to feel safe and calm in your body. This will allow for true expression.
On a functional level, and how we should all try to breathe 99% of the time.
- Nose only – In and out your nose to increase oxygen usage
- Into the belly – Draw the breath into you diaphragm, not your upper chest
- Keep it quiet – If you can hear your breathing, slow it down and lower the volume
What does it mean to be a Breathwork and Meditation Head Coach at Saint Haven?
Leading the Saint Haven Breathwork, Meditation & Mindfulness space is not something I take lightly. In my eyes, this is the most important space in the whole club offering. Without breathing, we die, plain and simple. It is the first thing we do when we are born and the last this we do before we die. It’s special. To be able to create the programming of our classes alongside my incredible team, is a vision come true. My purpose each day is to harness the power of the breath to create more self-aware members who will then be able to make better decisions from a place of clarity. Breathwork allows me to give to others, while they are also giving to themselves.
Places to begin your Breathwork Journey
Othership: Breathwork App
Open: Breathwork, Meditation and Movement App
Just Breathe – Dan Brulè
Breath – James Nestor
Follow my Instagram @eugene__koning or DM if you would like to learn more about my 1:1 Exploration breathwork sessions!